Thursday, November 11, 2010

Missin' the Music

November 12, 2010

Well, what’s new? A couple of things: I recently bought a guitar. Yes, a guitar. I’ve always wanted to learn and I figured, now’s the time to do it. I realized I was spending way too much money going out all the time so I need to channel my energy elsewhere. Music just so happened to be my chosen path. I didn’t think I would really miss my violin and piano but, I just gotta have music in my life. Mike and I went looking around this area where like EVERY store is a music store…literally you walk down the street and it’s like instrument central, 10 stores in a row along the street. Since I know NOTHING about guitars, Mike was definitely a big help. He basically went from shop to shop playing a bit on the guitars that he saw and I just watched him. We ended buying guitars from different stores because I was judging on the looks of the guitar and he was judging on the playability of the guitar. Lol, typical me. However, he did say that the guitar I picked was pretty darn good. I spent 200,000 won on it and the guitar came with a case, an extra set of strings, a pretty good tuner, a capo, and some picks. I think we did pretty well. Mike spent the same amount. SO, do I know how to play? Negative. Will I attempt to teach myself? Yes. We’ll see how long this shiny new toy will keep my interest. I hope it doesn’t end up in the corner of my apartment collecting dust. I mean, that was a pretty good amount of money for a pretty good quality guitar. Mike and I have decided that we will bring our guitars to school so that we can play after classes instead of just sitting at the computer doing nothing and falling asleep until we’re allowed to go home. We already had one mini jam session and I think I’m getting the hang of it. I’ve learned one song in pretty much one day. That’s pretty good right? It’s called “Giving Up” by Ingrid Michaelson. I’m even attempting to sing along…haha. Oh goodness. That’s a bit more difficult than I anticipated.

Ok, also, I’m going to get another tattoo. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I’m pretty much addicted to them now. I DID learn that tattoos are still ILLEGAL in Korea. Awesome. Of course they would be illegal when I actually want another one. Well, me and my friend Donny found a place called Tattoo Times Korea and they do tattoos for people; have been for quite a while. We saw their work and we were satisfied. Apparently, they are illegal and if the police hear about them they will be shut down…only to reopen at a different location shortly after. Ha. Ok. Anyways, so mine has been drawn up and I will see the final drawing sometime this weekend and probably get started towards the end of the month. It’s a bit different here because they will do the tattoo in 4-5 sittings! Back home, mine took about 2 and a half hours in one sitting. The worst part is…the price…are you ready? (Deep breath) 1.5 million won! I was a bit taken aback. HUH?! You’re going to charge me 1,000 dollars for this?! After I picked my jaw up off the ground, I realized that they are doing this illegally, they are going to take their time (I mean jeeze, 4-5 sittings at like 2-3 hours each?!) so…I’m going for it. Keep your fingers crossed. Also, it’s a large tattoo. It’s going to go from below my left hip bone and up to below my shoulder blade. I’m gonna be broke.

Last but not least. I have an open class scheduled for the 26th of this month. An open class is where other foreign teachers and other co-teachers from different schools come to observe your teaching. They sit in on an entire lesson and make notes regarding your teaching style and how you engage the class. I’m a bit nervous, I have to tell ya. I always get nervous when anyone is observing anything I’m doing. Especially when I can see them making notes and writing stuff down. Since I teach 3rd and 4th grade I decided that I would like for my open class to be one of my 3rd grade classes. I think this is the best choice because the 3rd graders know my teaching style and I get more teaching time with them. My fourth grade co-teacher does not let me get very much face-time with the kids so I’m more comfortable teaching the 3rd graders. My 3rd grade co-teacher, at first, was completely against my decision to use one of our third grade classes because she said “but my English is not good.” I was like “what?! They’re gonna be observing ME! Not you!” I literally had to persuade her to let me use a 3rd grade class…I was a bit upset because This is like super duper important to me and she was giving me some pushback. In the end…she agreed. Once again…keep your fingers crossed that none of the kids cry, scream, misbehave, or say cuss words. Two foreign teachers, my principal, my two vice principals, and two co-teachers from other schools will be evaluating…can you say STRESSFUL?!


  1. Observations suck. Nothing more stressful than people sitting around watching and evaluating YOU! At least you don't have to worry about children writing profanity on the walls while you're teaching...

    And $1,000 for a tat? You BETTER NOT, Nance.

  2. i'm the last person to find out about your $1,000 TATTOO!?!?!?
